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DIY or Professional Lawn Care Services?

You may be thinking of trying your hand at DIY lawn care treatments. You are probably thinking 'how hard can it be?'.  Applying a treatment here and there, regular mowing, some watering and you should have a nice lush lawn right?

You may find that embarking on this Do It Yourself challenge could be trickier than you think and there are lots of things to consider prior to making your decision.

Please read on for this handy guide we have put together on the pros and cons of using DIY Lawn Care vs. Professional Lawn Care Services to help you to make an informed decision.

DIY Lawn Care:


Money-saving: While the initial costing of DIY lawn care products can come out cheaper than professional services, beware of hidden costs later down the line.  Once you purchase the equipment, try out a few different products to see what works, you will most likely find it is more expensive than you initially thought.

Pride in your DIY: Accomplishing DIY work can reap rewards in providing satisfaction in your own skills. This pride, however, can quickly turn on its head if you end up not achieving the results you had hoped for.

Health and Fitness: Getting out into your garden is a great excuse to fit in some exercise in your day which is why some people decide to do their own lawn care.


Unreliable Results: Applying effective and successful lawn treatments require correct specified dosage rates, correct calibration of equipment, even spreading and correct timing. Achieving all of these elements with garden centre level quality equipment and products can be very tricky and you will quite often need to buy a few different types of product and equipment before you find the right solution that works. This means you will most likely end up spending more than it would have cost you to employ a professional service.

Hidden Costs: The initial cost of the product will look very enticing as it will be cheaper than hiring a professional.  But without a trained professional regularly visiting your lawn and overseeing your lawn care, there are a number of things that could go awry. 

The most common issues we have seen from customers who have attempted DIY products are overdosing the lawn and causing scorching or using the incorrect product altogether causing mass damage to the lawn. While it is easy to purchase the products and have a go, you may find you spend more on trying to rectify common DIY errors in the end.

While some seasoned DIYers can make it through their project fairly unscathed, the majority will find that they encounter a costly problem that needs solving somewhere along the way or they are faced with an issue that they do not know how to solve.

Time-consuming: Treating your own lawn can often be more time consuming than you originally thought, especially if you encounter issues. You could end up spending a lot of time going back and forth to DIY shops and garden centres to try and find the correct products and equipment, waiting for the right weather conditions, and dealing with the cleanup and storage of materials and equipment just to name a few. If something then goes wrong with the application, the time then needed to be spent to rectify it will often drive you to seek out professional help in the end anyway. We get many customers come to us after having attempted DIY products that have gone horribly wrong.

Professional Lawn Care Services:


Better Results: A professional lawn care company uses professional-grade products and equipment which foster better results than those available on the DIY market. Here at TopGrass, we also have access to the latest and most effective lawn care products on the market with our professional suppliers and are regularly updating our products in order to invest in the best products available for our customers. TopGrass has access to products that are only available to professional users such as golf courses.

Expert Knowledge and Advice:  As well as having a professional service that you can rely on for great results, a professional company provides expert advice and knowledge on your lawn when they visit. Having that professional eye on your lawn means that issues are spotted early and advice can be conveniently provided without you having to do the leg work. You can also phone up your professional company at any time with questions or tricky issues with your lawn for quick and bespoke advice.

Convenience: There is no doubt that employing a professional company will save you time. If you have a busy life schedule, or would simply rather be doing other things with your time than a professional service is the choice for you.

Better Safety:  TopGrass Lawn Technicians are trained in approved practices to protect themselves as well as customers. They are legally qualified to apply the products with NPTC City and Guilds qualifications. TopGrass is also BASIS Lawn Assured which ensures a consistent and high standard of practice in the professional lawn care sector.


Price: The cost of hiring a professional lawn care company may initially seem more expensive than DIY but in the long run you are more likely to spend a larger sum on Do It Yourself materials. We often have customers pleasantly surprised by how affordable our professional services are. Why not get a free online bespoke quotation so you can see for yourself by clicking here.

Choosing the wrong company: The hiring decision can be a tough one when it comes to choosing the right lawn care company for you.  Choosing the wrong one can be a very painful and time-consuming experience. 

With TopGrass, we can offer you a personal yet professional approach. We are family-run, established in 2005 and are the leading independent lawn care company in the UK.  Why not give us a call to find out if we are the company for you?

Choosing TopGrass over DIY Lawn Care

We do understand why some of you would like to have a go at lawn care treatments yourself instead of using a professional company and that DIY work holds a degree of satisfaction in one's work.  But we have also seen countless cases over the years of new customers who have come to us to fix DIY disasters and we know how frustrating it can be to have to spend more money on fixing errors that could have been prevented in the first place.

We can offer you a comprehensive choice of lawn care packages to cater for different levels of lawn care wants and needs, from our Basic Package, all the way up to our Total Package. We also have some very convenient add on services such as our Borders and Beds Fertilisation ProgrammeLawn Tonic treatment, Water Conserver, Soil Improver Programme and Grub Control.

Click here to browse our lawn care packages

If you're still undecided on whether to use DIY or professional lawn care services after reading this article, why not give us a call and we can discuss it further with you on 0800 433 7080.

If you would like to find out the price of using TopGrass Lawn Care Services, why not have a go on our easy to use online quote tool by clicking here. Alternatively, we can also provide a quotation over the phone if you would like to call the number above.

We hope to hear from you soon!