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TopGrass Lawn Renovation

What is Lawn Renovation?

Lawn renovation is a key process required to maintain your lawn in good condition alongside a basic lawn treatment programme. Think of lawn renovation as a regular spring clean for your lawn.

Here at TopGrass, we have differing lawn renovation options based on your individual lawn needs. Our renovation packages range from a light annual renovation service (Lawn Maintainer) to a very heavy renovation option (Total Reseed) which is offered as an alternative to returfing. You can see the full details of our renovation package options by clicking here.

When is the best time to renovate a lawn?

We carry out the majority of our lawn renovations during the autumn, between August and October. The weather at this time of year, on average, provides favourable weather conditions for a successful lawn recovery and germination rate. We tend to see consistent rain levels as well as optimum soil temperatures during this time which in turn also alleviates the pressure on our customers to water their lawn(s) following the renovation work.

We do also carry out renovation work in the springtime for lawns that require immediate action and in these cases, we provide full instructions on how to care for the lawn post-renovation as we go into the summer months.

What do the TopGrass Lawn Renovation packages involve?

All of our lawn renovation packages consist of scarification and aeration of the lawn and depending on the level of the package, may also involve seeding work. You can click the button below to see the full details of each of our renovation package options and you can also read on to find out the benefits of scarification and aeration.

Click here to see the full TopGrass renovation package details

Why scarify the lawn?

The reduction of thatch is the main objective of scarification. Over time, grass clippings, leaves and dead organic matter will result in the build-up of thatch layers at the base of the grass plant. TopGrass use a professional, powerful scarifier, with solid blades, to significantly reduce this layer. The removal also helps to reduce the build-up of moss as thatch is an ideal growing medium for this. Less thatch also means water and nutrients will reach the grassroots efficiently, while also reducing the chance of fungal diseases taking hold.

Benefits of Scarifying are:

  • Promotes a healthy lawn
  • Encourages new growth
  • Reduces risk of lawn disease
  • Reduces risk of lawn pests
  • Reduces impact of lawn pest damage
  • Improves drainage
  • Nutrients get access to root system
  • Mowing becomes easier
  • Reduces effects of drought conditions

Why aerate the lawn during renovation?

As executed on the best sports venues, this professional machine penetrates the top layers of the soil to aid aeration and improve drainage and dispersal of nutrients around the root zone. This is especially good for the heavier soils and those with compaction. Moss will also thrive on compacted soils, so decompaction through aeration will help to reduce moss levels naturally.

Benefits of aerating in the renovation process are:

  • Air can get down to the root zone, which allows the grass plant to breathe. This also oxygenates the bacteria living in the soil, which in turn helps to break down dead organic matter in the lawn.
  • Water is able to penetrate the soil and reach the root system more effectively, encouraging a quicker recovery post-scarification.
  • Fertiliser nutrients from subsequent treatments have improved access to the root system.
  • Compacted soil is fractured, allowing the root system to grow and spread more easily. A stronger root system, means a stronger plant and competition is less likely to encroach on the lawn.