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TopGrass and Covid-19 Precautions

Updated 7 May 2020

Our commitment to your safety and peace of mind.

Dear customer,

In light of the current situation surrounding COVID-19, I wanted to personally reassure you of the steps we are taking to ensure your safety and the safety of our employees. We are continuing to monitor the situation and follow the advice from the government and key public health officials. You can put your trust in us to keep your safety a priority.

Customer and Employee Safety

The health and safety of our customers and employees is of the utmost importance to us. All of our employees are following the strict hygiene instructions issued by the government and the NHS in order to minimise the risk of spread and they have been issued with additional precautions within our specific work environment to further help with this.

In addition, the TopGrass service means we are able to carry out lawn treatments with little to no face-to-face contact with customers in order to do our part in minimising the risk of spreading the virus.

TopGrass Safety Procedures

With this in mind, our Lawn Technicians will be taking the following steps to ensure your safety as well as their own. Also, our technicians are van-based and lone workers, so their contact with the general public is minimal.

On arrival at the property:

The technician will knock on your door or wave at you through to window to let you know they are there. Please do not answer the door if you do not wish to and they will continue with the service on your lawn. If you do answer your door, please respect the 2-metre social distancing rule.

To minimise the risk, please ensure that garden gates/doors are left unlocked for the technician. Please ensure that any objects on the lawn, for example, garden furniture, are removed from the lawn.

During our visit:

Please stay inside to minimise contact. If you do need to speak to the technician please either do this by phone or ensure to respect the 2-metre social distancing for your, and the technician's, safety.

Once the service is completed:

If there is any feedback that the technician has for your lawn, this will be noted on your after service email for you, so please keep an eye out for this. If you have not supplied an email address to us, please can you provide this to facilitate our new paperless system to minimise the risk of spreading COVID19.


We are no longer providing paper invoices or surveys/lawn reviews in order to minimise the risk of contact with you. Instead, we are sending the invoices and recommendations for your lawn via email. 


We are no longer accepting cheques from customers when we are at the property. Please make payment for your service either online through your account on the website by clicking here, through paying online by BACS (details can be found on your after service email), or by phoning the office and paying by card over the phone.

We realise this could also be a difficult time financially and would like to offer flexible payment terms through monthly instalments should your income become affected by the COVID-19 situation.

Getting a Quotation - New Customers

We are still taking on new customers and are able to provide paperless and contactless quotations to you if you are interested in TopGrass services. 

Quotation procedure

We are able to provide full quotations online through our online measurement tool found here, or via one of our office personnel who can measure your lawn online remotely. If you live in a new build and the online image is not available, we can arrange a free survey whereby a Lawn Technician would visit the property while adhering to all the precautions stated above.

No face to face contact is required for you to receive a quotation and begin services with us.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation

While we are continuing to operate at this time, we will continue to take guidance from the NHS and government on any restrictions recommended.

We would like to reassure you at this time that we can continue to provide you with your lawn care services while taking every precaution to minimise the risk of spread.

The office is still able to operate under social distancing rules, with a reduced number of staff in the office space, and all precautions are put in place to ensure the safety of our office team as well. We also have a Business Continuity Plan in place so that we can continue to work and provide you with a continued service should further restrictions occur. We would, however, like to ask for your patience and understanding if there are any delays or last-minute cancellations at this time due to COVID-19.

We would like to thank you for continuing to use our services during this difficult time.


Take care.


Yours Sincerely,


Tom Arnold

Managing Director

TopGrass (UK) Ltd.