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How exactly can I look after my garden all year round?

Preparation is vital when it comes to looking after your garden. You want it to look fantastic no matter what the season is, and your gardening starts in June.

Let’s take a look at how you can make your garden look great all year round.


If you are interested in planting roses, the time is now to do that. You want to hoe away any weeds from the border of your flowers so that the tall perennials such as the delphiniums and lilies can have room to breathe. They’re starting to stake around now, and you want to remove the weeds so that they don’t strangle the new flowers coming through. Also, hoeing away the weeds now will stop them becoming too hard to pull out.


Your garden maintenance and the watering regime has to start now. This is especially for the newly planted trees and hanging baskets that are in your garden. It’s also the time to order in your spring-flowering bulbs. Once you get them planted, you know they’ll be ready for the springtime bloom.


You can use this month to gather the seeds from flowers that have spent and cut back the stems of the dead plants. August is a month for garden maintenance, cutting back the lawns and keeping plants watered.


Preparing for frost here is essential as you move into the autumnal months. Bringing the plants that are delicate into the greenhouse will help them to stay sheltered from the cold. You can also now start to plant your spring flowers but leave the tulips a little while longer. Cut back and treat your grass now, ready for the winter.


Plant your tulips, mulch the flower beds to protect the roots and plant the winter salad leaves. You can plant pak choi and lambs lettuce at this time of year. Cover the rose bushes and bring the begonias into the shed. Repot the plants that frost will damage and bring them indoors.


Despite the chill, now is the best time for planting shrubs and trees. If you have trees in pots, bubble wrap them to prevent them from freezing and stunting their growth. Recycle your spent compost now.


Many people choose now to tidy their patios, wipe down the outdoor furniture to be put away and cut watering down. You could also use the time to remove weeds and moss.


Nothing can really be done here in the garden during January, so it’s time to find inspiration for the flowers and bushes you want to plant in the rest of the year.


Start sowing your greenhouse seeds now, especially for tomatoes grown in the greenhouse. Keep branches and leaves cleared in your garden through this month.


The time has come to prune the shrubs that aren’t flowering, and mulch the flower beds again for nourishment and before the bulbs start sprouting.


Feed the lawn, water the flowers and start thinking about sowing your seeds indoors for outdoor-grown vegetable plants.


Tie in your roses to train them to grow the right way. Erect wigwams in the plot for the vegetables to encourage growth.

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